Who I am…

  • I am one person, not a collection of consumers.

    That means this isn’t a popularity contest and no bots can produce my ratings or reviews.

  • I am a professional.

    I hold a certificate in Functional Nutrition from the Nutritional Therapy Association as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

  • I am well studied.

    I have been schooled in, independently researched, painstakingly analyzed, and have tested and applied various dietary models, their similarities, differences, benefits, and consequences.

  • I have experience.

    Through my education, in my private practice, my personal life, and through volunteering, I have studied and worked not only with food but specifically with a variety of diets and conditions caused by and healed through diet and lifestyle.

  • I am objective...

    …and my methods are consistent, thanks to the sturdy system and reliable tool, which I have created.

  • I'm going to tell you like it is.

    Does that mean I’m not going to be charitable? Heavens, no. It just means I’m going to be honest.

  • I am a real person.

    I am a wife, mom, grandmother, homemaker, and child of God. Over the last 30 plus years and counting, I’ve grocery shopped, planned and prepared meals, baked, cooked, grilled, and experimented in the kitchen. I’ve even applied a number of preservation methods for bounties from our garden and summer hauls. I’ve made and created thousands of recipes (many successes, some failures) and have thrown my fair share of parties. I’ve eaten in some of the finest restaurants and some of the worst, here and abroad. All of this has been with the added challenge of considering food allergies, sensitivities, preferences, and limitations for myself, loved ones, and guests.

  • I have an adventurous, well seasoned palate...

    …thanks in large part to my parents. With that, I have had the privilege throughout my life of sampling foods from all over the globe – even when traveling to other countries has been prohibitive. I don’t favor one cuisine over another - I celebrate them all.

  • I don't have a hidden agenda.

    My purpose is to give a fair, consistent, and factual rating or review of Experience Types that specifically and directly considers functional principles and dietary restrictions.

  • I've been there.

    I personally have dietary restrictions that create challenges in finding an accommodating place to dine or a trustworthy product to use. I know first hand how difficult, frustrating, time-consuming, and discouraging it can be to find a reliable, quality experience whether it’s vetting out restaurants, interrogating caterers, collaborating with well meaning food volunteers who’s answer to every event is a gluten laden, cheese topped pizza, or advocating for a loved one with purported professionals on what “a gluten” is, educating clients, trying to just eat and enjoy a meal out with friends without bringing drama to the proverbial table or turning it into an act of congress, or reading labels where font sizes, I swear, are getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

  • I am looking through the lens of an FNTP...

    …and as one who personally applies and professionally instructs others in the functional approach to diet and lifestyle. I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk.

  • Want more information?